Remarkable evidence of continuous occupation of Idaho site, going back 16,000 years

American Archaeology, Spring 2023: “Projectiles Point to Earlier Peopling of the Americas”

From the article: “Adding to a growing body of evidence that people settled in North America long before Clovis sites, artifacts found at Cooper’s Ferry indicate humans arrived at least 16,000 years ago.”

One of the first archaeology stories I ever worked on was about the Buttermilk Creek site near Salado, Texas, where scientists had found compelling evidence that humans had arrived in North America earlier than previously believed–the “pre-Clovis” theory. At the the time (2008) this was still a controversial opinion, with archaeologists still looking for definitive proof.

Over the years, the number of pre-Clovis doubters has dwindled to a few die-hards, thanks to the painstaking work of scientists such as Loren Davis. This is one of the most convincing sites, with beautiful evidence that points to continuous occupation of an Idaho riverbank for 16,000.

Just exactly as local Native Americans have always claimed!

Coopers Ferry projectile points